Masilela Family
Family Members


We are thrilled to be a part of the Rayton Church family. We gained a great deal of understanding from church family members. Love, honesty, and consideration for one another. It is extremely encouraging to witness a pastor and his wife leading God's people as simply an ordinary couple. The difference you made in ensuring the couple's wellbeing, whether it was through interpersonal relationships or spiritually, particularly in the man's group. It is a fairly uncommon phenomenon these days to witness fathers making a commitment to God. Both young people and kids feel at home in this family. It's really inspiring to see a pastor honouring fathers as members of the church and as human beings. Additionally, we discovered that church starts with the social wellbeing of the household and extends to include worship to God. In the church, a whole attitude of worship is made up of happy family lives. The same hand that covered God's Servant Moses is on you and your family as you enter and exit. May God generously reward you and your family. We ask God to increase your wisdom, your strength, and the effectiveness of your ministry. May God's divine direction lead to the expansion of your spiritual territory. With integrity. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to the Rayton Christian Family from Obed, Shirley, and family.